วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Laptop And Desktop (The Round Up)

As we all know the notebook computer is the new necessity of today's modern and robust environment.

With our home living looks to come to be like a cubicle sometimes, I believe the age of notebook is getting bright.

Laptop Graphics Card


It used to be a 70% to 30% difference between the desktop as compared to the notebook computer.

Now ..... It may the opposite.

Consumers are shopping for laptops more often than desktop.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages between the two these computers......

Let's look at the desktops point of view.....

The Advantages :-

1) well Upgradeable :-

When you look at the components that make the desktop computer, practically every part can be replaced easily.

The motherboard, processor, graphics card, hard disk, sound card, the power supply, monitor and even the Cpu chassis are well replaceable.

Upgrades have never been so much easier and with a collection of choices you can customized to your needs.

2) Cost :-

When you assess the two, it is obvious that the desktop will cost much less than of the notebook. It applies the same also to the maintenance cost. Replaceable parts for desktop computers are much more cheaper than of notebook computers.

3) Functionality :-

In desktop, the user can customized the Pc to his/her exact needs. Based on what what you want, either is it for gaming, net surfing or general office usage ...... The desktop pc has the flexibility to meet your needs.

The Disadvantages:-

1) Space :-

One big factor has always been space. Desktop computers are bulky equipment and requires a static space near the power socket for it to run.

2) Cords :-

You can't run away from them. Even though, there are technology like wireless networks, mouse and keyboards; the fact is that the speakers linked to the desktop will have wire cords, seemingly the power furnish is needed to be linked to the power socket and the monitor is needed to be linked to the computer will have long strings of cords in between them.

Now let's look at the notebook computers point of view.....

The Advantages :-

1) Mobility :-

In terms of mobility and accessing the Internet on the move (eg. From your living room to the kitchen and subsequently surfing the net in the toilet :) ) it has never been easier. It's ultra transported and mobile for you to use the notebook wherever you want.

2) Battery Operated :-

Why I say it's a good thing?

With the notebook due to it's mobility, it runs on Lithium ion energized batteries. Try running the desktop on batteries.... You can't .

3) Ease of space :-

It's easy and requires wee space. The notebook can be folded and be kept in the bag.

4) Cords :-

You need not worry of tangled wires no more, except for the power cord. With everything built inside that small box, the wired hassle is something of the past.

5) Wifi Ready :-

Internet can be well accessed with the in-built wifi adapter. It is one of the main requirements for notebook manufacturers round the globe to have this function built in their notebooks. This does not applies to the older generation notebooks though where you might need a wireless adapter to associate to the internet.

The Disadvantages :-

1) Maintenance :-

This has always been "The" major issue.

Simple, once you have problems with your notebook, the components are not well replaced (except for the hard disk). You still need to head somewhere to the manufacturer's assistance center to get it replaced and I can tell you one thing; the maintenance bill will be much higher as compared to the desktop.

2) fragile :-

The notebook is a fragile instrument. Although there are notebooks that are built to be drop unyielding in mind, these notebooks are usually either too bulky or heavy or out of style and expensive which is kinda contradicting to what you well want.

3) Upgrade Issues :-

Unlike the desktop, a notebook computer is not well upgradeable, except for the Ram and hard disk. For you to convert a general notebook to a gaming one is simply impossible unless you get yourself a new gaming notebook is quite precious ....

With the facts above, you can have a clear comprehension on the advantages and disadvantages of each computer specimen.

For all I can say, citizen are gearing up to get notebooks nowadays and this trend is growing and growing.

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